Wsdear international giveaway

Zilele acestea am fost ocupata cu scoala baietelului cel mare, si cum ce a fost mai greu a trecut, am pregatit o surpriza pentru voi.
Am reusit cu ajutorul acestui blog sa va prezint cat mai multe magazine online, in special de hainute pentru adulti si copii, de aceea azi va voi prezenta unul nou, mai exact Wsdear, care ofera clientilor urmatoarele lucruri:
*transport GRATUIT la orice comanda;
*are o gama larga de produse, inclusiv pentru domni;
*preturile sunt acceptabile;
*gasiti o categorie dedicata produselor sub 9.99 USD;
*au bijuterii si accesrii pentru toate gusturile si bugetele;

  • Hello,
    • These days I was busy with my big boy school, but what was harder, everything passed, I have a surprise for you.I managed using this blog to introduce as many online shops, especially with clothes for adults and children, so today I will present a new one, Wsdear that offers clients the following things:

        * Free Shipping on any order;

          * The store has a wide range of products, including for gentlemen;

            * Prices are acceptable;

              * You will find a category dedicated to products under 9.99 USD;

                * It has jewelry and accessories for all tastes and budgets;

                Pentru a va face o idee despre ce produse gasiti pe Wsdear, va voi prezenta cateva articole din diferite categorii.

                • To give you an idea of what products you will find on Wsdear, I will present several items in different categories.

                Veti gasi rochii ieftine, de vara, pentru ocazie(bal, nunta, petrecere,etc), realizate din  diferite materiale si cu un design foarte frumos.
                • You will find cheap dresses, summer dresses, for occasion (prom, wedding, party, etc.), made of different materials, with a very nice design.

                La categoria sub 9.99 USD aveti de unde alege dintr-o gama larga de produse!
                Palarii, tricouri, huse de telefoane, rochii, pantaloni,accesorii, foarte multi ochelari, colanti cu imprimeuri interesante, si multe alte produse .

              • In the category under 9.99 USD, you can choose from a wide range of products! Hats, shirts, phone covers, dresses, pants, accessories, many sunglasses, tights with interesting prints, and many other products.

              • Aceasta este o rochita pe care am cumparat-o si eu, si este perfecta pentru a fi purtata in anotimpul toamna!
                • This is a dress that I bought it myself, and it is perfect to be worn in the fall season!

                O categorie de produse draga mie este cea in stilul Audrey Hepburn!
                Rochite superbe, care pun in evidenta talia, eleganta si  stil.
              • One category of products dear to me, is the Audrey Hepburn style! Gorgeous dresses that emphasize the waist, elegance and style.

              • O rochita adaptata stilului modern, din aceeasi categorie.
                A dress adapted to modern style, in the same category.

                Si acum …marea surpriza!
                Wsdear ofera un tricou (disponibil pe negru) in valoare de 15.99 USD daca participati la acest concurs. Transportul este gratuit iar concursul este deschis international.
                • Wsdear offers one T-shirt (available in black) that cost $ 15.99 if you participate in this contest. Delivery costs are free and competition is open internationally.

                Regulile sunt foarte simple:
                *Da like la paginile Wsdear si Denisa Nicolae-My Silk Fairytale
                *Comentati cu linkul produsului preferat de pe Wsdear.
                *Dati share la acest concurs pe pagina de Facebook folosind hastag-urile #wsdear si #DenisaNicolaeMySilkFairytale

                • The rules are very simple:

                *Comment with your favorite item link from Wsdear.

                *Give share the contest on Facebook using hastag 
                #wsdear and #DenisaNicolaeMySilkFairytale;
                Concursul se incheie peste trei saptamani!Mult succes!
                Competition end in three weeks. Good luck!

                This is a sponsored post from Wsdear with my unbiased thoughts.

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